I am sure we have all heard the adage a big fish in a small pond. I met one yesterday
and he has a small following, who think he is some kind of super spiritual leader. They are the most dangerous. They are name droppers, because they think the one whom they are speaking will be impressed. Today I met another who is a devotee to the one I met yesterday and he also is a name dropper. An with each name they drop they have forged some deep binding relationship with them.
So it did not hurt my feelings one bit to take the wind out of their sails when I revealed that I not only know each of the names dropped but have had a multi decade relationship with them and that I knew with out a doubt that they don’t profess any of what you say they profess and so you must first stop telling people that they are a member of your group and 2nd ask for forgiveness for being a false teacher/ witness.
Well, of course I was challenged, but I pulled out my cell phone and said I have all of them in my phone which shall we call first?
The man turned and strode away some 100 feet and then turned an yelled some colorful metaphors in my direction along with some hand gestures, and then turned and began walking briskly until I called out He stopped and turned and at the same time a Max train sped by about a foot from him…….
Ephesians,chapter 6, says, Our enemy isn’t flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness, and the chief goal of these principalities and powers are to torment and frustrate us and kill the ones they are manifesting through when they are done using them. We often think that the enemy works through just non believers but in truth our enemy is the Father of Lies and if he can deceive one or two inside and place them in seats of power the destruction is much greater.
The End
There are subjects that most people are afraid to spend time thinking about.
Like being mortal.
There is a scene in the 13th Warrior where they are preparing to sleep knowing that they are going to meet a arch foe later in the night.the Arab ask the Norseman, “How can you sleep at a time like this?” The Norseman replies, “God set the length of your life at the time you were born. Go hide in a hole if you like, but you won’t live a moment longer. Fear profits a man nothing.”
My dad died when he was 78 and his died in his 40s… and the Strong men do not have long life spans as a rule, it seems. I am 66 and a 1/2. So to say that I am going to live as long as my dad, would give me about 11 1/2 years.The Bible says that the average age is 3 score and 10 (that is 70 years for you non-biblical mathematicians). And then it says and if by some strength a little more. So I being the generous person I am I give myself maybe 20 years.
Charles Dickens’ character, the Spirit of Christmas Present, said to Scrooge, “Our time is limited so we try to do as much good as we can in the time that is allotted to us because one day we won’t be here any more.”
Now dwelling on such dreary subjects makes people think you are a fatalist or suicidal. I am neither, but it helps me keep a proper perspective on just how temporary life in the mortal realm is. Plus how close I am to graduating into the real realm of immortalness.
I would encourage all of you to set aside some time and meditate on the subject and walk down the paths that make you uncomfortable and discover why.
The Building of God
One day a week filled with..
Many languages of praise
Dancing of spiritual joy
Words of comfort
Guilt assailed
Songs raised high to the Almighty as an act of peace.Six days a week…
The miserable finding hope
The homeless finding rest
The naked finding clothes
The jobless finding work
The cursing finding welcome
The rejected finding home. -
Nothing Changes
Ever experience a time in your life where you seem to be repeating another era or season?
In the last 6 months of my tour of duty with the United States Army, I was assigned to a funeral escort squad. My job was to be present at the place where the body(s) were to arrive, sign for them and then stand guard over them until the unit arrived with the vehicles to transport them to their respective funeral home. During those 6 months, I signed for and received into my custody and protection some 428 caskets. I say protection because there were some anti war groups who would steal the bodies and use them in a protest march.
So far this year I have had many funerals of many friends and it is only the middle of February………I hope this will not be a repeat of 1971.