We offered 150 culturally appropriate worship services.
We gave 4000 nights of covered shelter.
We provided 6000 showers.
We received 3700 volunteer hours from the homeless.
We washed about 6000 pounds of clothes for the homeless.
We gave 4350 hours of paid labor for the homeless.
We provided 20,800 meals to the hungry.
We gave away about 20,000 pounds of clothes to needy homeless and families.
And we picked up and delivered 114,000 pounds of food to needy people
We did this because of your support. Because of the prayers offered for us. Because of the thousands of dollars donated. Because of the encouraging words. Because of the tens of thousands of clothes and the hundred thousand pounds of food provided.
Anawim isn’t about a small group of people doing work. It is about a large group of people with resources being partners with the homeless and poor so we can all work to make a community healthy and loving and spirit-led.
Thanks to you for your support.
Thanks to the homeless for their willingness to serve.
And hope.
We hope that in 2015, we might be able to provide greater, better support for the homeless with your help. Stay tuned.
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