Pastor Jeff’s Full Blog Posts
I am sure we have all heard the adage a big fish in a small pond. I met one yesterday
and he has a small following, who think he is some kind of super spiritual leader. They are the most dangerous. They are name droppers, because they think the one whom they are speaking will be impressed. Today I met another who is a devotee to the one I met yesterday and he also is a name dropper. An with each name they drop they have forged some deep binding relationship with them.
So it did not hurt my feelings one bit to take the wind out of their sails when I revealed that I not only know each of the names dropped but have had a multi decade relationship with them and that I knew with out a doubt that they don’t profess any of what you say they profess and so you must first stop telling people that they are a member of your group and 2nd ask for forgiveness for being a false teacher/ witness.
Well, of course I was challenged, but I pulled out my cell phone and said I have all of them in my phone which shall we call first?
The man turned and strode away some 100 feet and then turned an yelled some colorful metaphors in my direction along with some hand gestures, and then turned and began walking briskly until I called out He stopped and turned and at the same time a Max train sped by about a foot from him…….
Ephesians,chapter 6, says, Our enemy isn’t flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness, and the chief goal of these principalities and powers are to torment and frustrate us and kill the ones they are manifesting through when they are done using them. We often think that the enemy works through just non believers but in truth our enemy is the Father of Lies and if he can deceive one or two inside and place them in seats of power the destruction is much greater.
The End
There are subjects that most people are afraid to spend time thinking about.
Like being mortal.
There is a scene in the 13th Warrior where they are preparing to sleep knowing that they are going to meet a arch foe later in the night.the Arab ask the Norseman, “How can you sleep at a time like this?” The Norseman replies, “God set the length of your life at the time you were born. Go hide in a hole if you like, but you won’t live a moment longer. Fear profits a man nothing.”
My dad died when he was 78 and his died in his 40s… and the Strong men do not have long life spans as a rule, it seems. I am 66 and a 1/2. So to say that I am going to live as long as my dad, would give me about 11 1/2 years.The Bible says that the average age is 3 score and 10 (that is 70 years for you non-biblical mathematicians). And then it says and if by some strength a little more. So I being the generous person I am I give myself maybe 20 years.
Charles Dickens’ character, the Spirit of Christmas Present, said to Scrooge, “Our time is limited so we try to do as much good as we can in the time that is allotted to us because one day we won’t be here any more.”
Now dwelling on such dreary subjects makes people think you are a fatalist or suicidal. I am neither, but it helps me keep a proper perspective on just how temporary life in the mortal realm is. Plus how close I am to graduating into the real realm of immortalness.
I would encourage all of you to set aside some time and meditate on the subject and walk down the paths that make you uncomfortable and discover why.
Nothing Changes
Ever experience a time in your life where you seem to be repeating another era or season?
In the last 6 months of my tour of duty with the United States Army, I was assigned to a funeral escort squad. My job was to be present at the place where the body(s) were to arrive, sign for them and then stand guard over them until the unit arrived with the vehicles to transport them to their respective funeral home. During those 6 months, I signed for and received into my custody and protection some 428 caskets. I say protection because there were some anti war groups who would steal the bodies and use them in a protest march.
So far this year I have had many funerals of many friends and it is only the middle of February………I hope this will not be a repeat of 1971.
The Meek Inherit
I had just dropped my beloved off at the Marriott, she is helping her best friend run a table at the Oricon convention. I am heading for the Hawthorne Bridge with a radio show blaring. It is Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and I am laughing so hard I am almost in tears. My wife had left the window down just a little, and inch or two, the truck has a good heater, but if it had not been for that lowered window I would not have heard the plea in the center span on the south side of the Hawthorne bridge.
At a quick glance I saw what appeared to be a half naked old man waving his arms and yelling for help.I also saw that there wasn’t any one behind me so I stopped and backed up about 50 feet stopped and hit the flashers and got out. He is shivering violently and is half naked and I put him in my truck. Portland PD shows up and I explain the situation. The officer calls for an ambulance and we moved to the east side to clear the bridge. The ambulance shows up and we put the ol’ guy on the stretcher and the ol’ guy thanks everyone for saving his life. The ambulance said they were going to take him to Providence and off we went.
His name is Bobbie Gentry, he is 82 and lives on the street ‘cuz he only gets $350 per month social security after they deduct medicare. He had a camp near the bridge until these two gutter punks came, tore everything up and stole his wallet and his pants and boots. I asked him if he was a veteran and he said he was. So I made a call and when I left there was a VA rep with him filling out paper work to 1.) replace his ID, 2) get him into a room at a VA senior center, and 3) it seems that Bobbie is a disabled Veteran twice over. Once in Korea, and once in Vietnam. Has several medals also and whats more a pretty good pension coming that he didn’t even know about. The rep asked him how he survived on such a small pension.
Bobby grins an almost toothless smile, “He knows,” he says pointing at me, “ask him.”
“By faith in Christ,” I said.
Bobbie nods, and says “Yup.”
So I said my good byes. An Bobbie pulls me into his arms and whispers, “Thanks for saving me twice you’ll always be in my prayers and thoughts.”
I walk back to the truck weeping tears of joy. Not often one gets a hug from the Lord…….
My Arms and Back
There is this fellow vet who flies a sign on SE Washington next to the 205 overpass. I usually give him a couple of bucks when I see him. Today I saw him but not at his normal spot, he was on the overpass and he was talking to this girl and as I drove by I saw she was on wrong side of the rail.
My friend looked at me and gave me the sign that she was going to jump.
I pulled over hit the flashers and came towards her. “LEAVE ME ALONE! GOD TOLD ME TO KILL MYSELF.”
While she was yelling at me my friend moved closer.
A woman pulled up with her window down. “Call 911″ I said, “tell them we have a suicide attempt in progress” and she put in the call as she drove off.
Now while she was yelling at my friend, and I got a couple of feet closer. She turned towards me and I said “God does not want you dead. If He wanted you dead he would not ruin someone elese’s life by having you jump in front of their car. He’d just make you stop breathing. Besides why would he let His Son die for your sins and promise you life and life in abundance. No it ain’t God you’ve been hearin’ kid its the Devil. He likes to make people THINK they’re hearing God when it’s really just him. His whole gig is to kill us all off.”
“I don’t believe in the Devil,” she said.
While I’m I talking, I am very slowly creeping forward and my buddy is doing the same, It has been almost 2 hours and no police, finally we figure we are close enough and we make our grab and pull her back over the rail and she is kickin’ and screaming and she is no small woman. Finally I just sit on her and pin her down annnnnnnnd then the cops show up. They put her in zip ties and then a ambulance shows up and she is loaded up and whisked away…………
The police took our statements but never told us what took so long for them to get there.But one of the paramedics told me she’s down this before and this is her way of getting some attention, he guessed.
So tell me, somebody, where is Iron man or Spiderman or Mr. Incredible, because I am getting too old for this stuff. My arms and back are aching something fierce.
I want to share this with you, Linda and Larry. When we named our children, each name was one that I loved. The kids all had eihetr my or Dean’s families names as their middle names. So this speaks of the names of God.You are ELELYON: The Most High. God. You are above all principalities, mights snd dominions. Your name is above every name in the heavens and the earth. You are seated in heavenly places with all things under your feet. And by your grace, You have made me to be seated with you in heavenly places. And therefore, I also stand on top ~with all things under my feet.You are ELOHIYM: The God of creation. You are the creator of the universe, the heavens, the earth, the worlds, and all they that dwell therein. You don’t have to find a blessing for me; You are the Great Creator who is able to create a blessing for meYou are EL SHADDAI: You are the God of the Much More, and You provide more than enough for me. You are the self-sufficient One who supplies all my needs. You cause all grace to abound towards me so that I have all sufficiency in all things and You bless me exceedingly, abundantly and above all I can ask or think.You are JEHOVAH: The Great I Am . You are the self-existing One who never leads me to what I need, because you are what I need in every situation.You are JEHOVAH SHALOM: The Lord my Peace, You are my Peace that passes all man’s understanding. You are my peace in the midst of confusion, trouble, turmoil and chaos; and You are my peace is in the midst of every storm in my life.You are JEHOVAH NISSI: The Lord, my Banner. You are my High Tower against the enem. You are my Shield and Buckler. You are my Victor and my Captain over me, who gives me victory over sin, sickness, poverty and every enemy of my life.You are JEHOVAH JIREH: You are the Lord, my Provider. You are the one who provides for me for everything I need according to Your riches in Glory.You are JEHOVAH RAPHA: The Lord that heals me. Because of the stripes of Jesus Christ, no plague, sickness or disease shall come nigh my dwelling. You take sickness and disease away from me, and the number of my days You shall fulfill. And because of You, I am whole, well and sound in my spirit, soul and body.You are JEHOVAH T’SIDKENU: The Lord my righteousness.And because You are my righteousness, You have placed me in right standing with You; and therefore, I can boldly come before Your throne of grace.You are JEHOVAH M’KADDESH: The Lord my sancitification. You have sanctified me, justified me and redeemed me with the blood of the Lamb; and You have made me to be holy to be used for your Glory.You are JEHOVAH SAMMAH: You are always there for me. You will never leave me nor forsake me all the days of my life. You are the same yesterday, today and forever more.You are JEHOVAH SABOATH: The Lord of host. You have assigned strong, mighty and warring angels over my life. You have given them a charge over me to keep me in all my ways.They guard me, protect me, fight for me, and rage in battle for me. And they carry forth Your Word to bring it to pass in my life.You are JEHOVAH ROHI: The Lord who is my SHEPHERD, and I shall not want or be in lack of any good or needful thing. You lead me, guide me, and watch over me in all of my ways. And, You are the God who causes goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life. You are ADONAY: The Sovereign God. You brought me with a price. Therefore, You are my Master who rules me, my Owner who owns me, and my Lord who directs and controls me.Now Father I thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your names. I worship and praise You for Your names, and who You are to me through them. I thank You also for giving us ONE’ name that is a conglomeration of all these covenant names. I also give You praise, adoration and thanksgiving for this one name.It is a name that is greater and higher than any other name, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come; the name that has and will cause every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that He is Lord; the name that causes demons to tremble and flee at the sound of it; the name that causes yokes and strongholds to be loosed and broken when it is spoken: the only name that brings healing and deliverance; the name is powerful, awesome, mighty, wonderful, glorious, magnificent and omnipotent the name of JESUS CHRIST’! AMEN The Weapons of our Warfare , by Kenneth Scott
Fascinating to have a look at something we do not have much of here in OzFriends have a lelovy big van they drive…but have never seen one that big and with all those bits before.God is good.
There are no words to desicrbe how bodacious this is.
theology as intellectual study or boinrg, I heard if phrased best along the lines of the study of God rather fascinates the heart to sheer beauty.The study of the trinity, a God sacrifically sharing in love within only awaken the heart to share in the same love.*digs out appropriate mystical poem*In the beginning the Word was,he lived in God and possessed in himhis infinite happinessThat same Word was God,who is the Beginning;he was in the beginningand had no beginning.He was himself the Beginningand therefore had no beginning.The Word is called the Son;he was born of the Beginningwho had always conceived him,and was always conceiving him,giving of his substance always,yet always possessing it.And thus the glory of the Sonwas the Father’s glory,and the Father possessedall his glory in the Son.As the lover in the belovedeach lived in the other,and the Love that unites themis one with them, their equal,excellent as the One and the Other:Three Persons, and one Belovedamong all three.One love in them allmakes of them one Lover,and the Lover is the Belovedin whom each one lives.For the being that the three possesses,each of them possesses,and each of them loveshim who bears this being.Each one is this being,which alone unites them,binding them deeply, one beyond words.Thus it is a boundlessLove that unites them,for the three have one lovewhich is their essence;and the more love is onethe more it is love.-Romance on regarding theBlessed Trinity, St. John of the Cross
Those are two different books CJ put tohtgeer The Cross-Centred Life and Christ Our Mediator into one book, Living the Cross-Centered Life . The orange cover is the shorter original, the white cover is the new one with the extra chapters.
interesting question. I’ve read the vreess you’ve pointed out but dont see the connection except in Phil 2:7. Anyways my answer would be Jesus realized he was God at the age when all children realize who they are so maybe around the age of 2/3. because at that age a person has self awareness. Also the brain starts to develop fairly quickly then memories start to build. Since He was fully man he has the characteristics of man ie self awareness and he realizes he is man and God.
Keith Mathison’s book revolutionized the way I think about the Table years ago. It’s an eelelcxnt read. I highly recommend it. It’s called Give for You: Reclaiming Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper.For Calvin (and I believe the biblical view as well), the Table was not just a memorial, but it was the gift of Christ’s actual Body and Blood. As Mathison rightly notes, throughout Christian history, there were disputes over the *nature* of the Lord’s presence in the Table, but that presence was never denied until Zwingli in the Reformation.The apostle calls the Table a participation in the Body and Blood of Christ . He also argues that we are to be in unity with one another as we partake. I see the Table as very much connected to the Word, in the same way that, when a husband and wife take their marriage vows (analogous to the Word), their vows are sealed and renewed every time they join in physical union in the act of making love (analogous to the Lord’s Table).The Table, therefore, Calvin rightly saw as very much connected to our union with Christ. It strengthens our union with Christ, and, since we are the Body of Christ, with each other as fellow believers. It would hardly make sense to partake of the Table with someone we are at odds with, even as it would hardly make sense to partake of the act of making love with our spouse if we were at odds with him/her.So, to neglect this great and mysterious sacrament is also to neglect one’s soul. Imagine if a husband and a wife hung out all the time, talked, enjoyed one another’s company, but only made love once a year. Or once a quarter. Or once every 2 months. Or even once a month. They are missing out on a great blessing the blessing of a stronger and closer union and unity with one another.Although Calvin believed that the elements remain bread and wine, he also truly believed that we receive the real and proper and natural Body and Blood of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Belgic Confession of Faith, I believe, does well in wording this mysterious truth as well. It is also found in the Westminster Confession of Faith (although not as developed), as well as the London Baptist Confession of Faith, as well as the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.So, Calvin’s view of the real and spiritual presence of Christ in the Table won the day at the Reformation. Luther’s view differed from his, but it would be wrong to think that Calvin was closer to Zwingli than to Luther. Calvin, along with Luther, condemned Zwingli’s view. He was much closer to Luther than to Zwingli. It is not quite correct to say that Calvin was a middle road between Luther and Zwingli. ***In fact, Calvin and the other Reformers believed that Zwingli was no different than Rome, in that Rome, in that, for Zwingli, the Table was something that *we did* to remind ourselves of what Christ had done to obey God; just like in Rome it is something the people do for God.*** But both Luther and Calvin rightly saw the Table as a gift as something that *God* does for us in Christ.And all of the above is only a quick glimpse into the riches of Calvin’s view! I am convinced that Calvin’s view was the biblical view as well. I highly suggest Mathison’s book, and Robert Letham’s quick book as well called The Lord’s Supper: Eternal Word in Broken Bread.Thanks for bringing this eelelcxnt discussion up! I hope you are blessed as you see the gift of the Lord’s Supper for what it is.
GREAT post!! I feel the same way when I am not spending the right kind of time with God. I get angry eailsy, pick fights with my husband…it’s just not pretty. Thank you for sharing your heart!! hugs!! Can’t wait to see where the Lord takes you!
Oh, Linda:I am so sorry on one hand that your Dad passed away and that you are not able to atnted his service. But we both know what a wonderful thing that is if this good man we have known also knows the Lord on a personal level. Halleluiah! I just remember last year when my Dad died, I, his eldest child, was holding his left hand and Steve, one of my brothers and Daddy’s youngest child, was holding Daddy’s right hand at the moment he died. Steve popped up out of the chair he was sitting in and practically yelled, Well done, Thy good and faithful servant! We had a beautiful small intimate service with staff and family within a couple of hours there at the Nursing Home (a Christian establishment, thank the Lord). What a blessing to me to be with my father and with my Father at the same time first death I have seen. I have viewed autopsies, typed autopsy reports, seen many folks on their death bed or already gone. However, my own father was the first death I witnessed. He simply breathed his last gentle breath and was no longer in pain or struggling to take a breath. Oh, our God is SO good!I will keep you in my prayers as the emotions of all of this settle in on you, and I know you are simply delighted for him! I am so sorry to hear you are completely dependent on others, but at the same time, what a fabulous place to be, especially knowing that you are dependent totally on the Lord, the Great Shepherd, the One who knows you best, and Who also knows the timing of visits from people who love you and love Him. Please tell Larry I am praying for him also h is pain must be great. The endudrance the two of you are showing is remarkable!Thought you would like to know that those I am ministering to and being ministered by are giving me the greatest hope, knowing their hearts and needs, etc. I have one little girl at my school crossing who was so excited about her birthday, her 8th is what she said. I asked why she was so excited and she said nbecause her brother was going to baptize her as her birthdayu present from him. Today she told me that a present from a good friend was opened yesterday; a baptism remembrance book , one she can journal in herself, and this is just volume one! Another little sweetheart wore a t-shirt the other day that I commented on. It stated: Love One Another! I said, Oh, my, you know what that means don’t you? And, she said, Well, yes, I think I do ; and then I said, That’s one thing that Jesus wants us to do. And, she responded that she knew that. She’s the one kiddo who just gets me or keeps me going. She hops, skips and runs to school with a smile on her face. A delight, for sure!Then, on another level, my dear friend, Karen, from California, has been hand making cards for me to distribute when I feel the urge to do so. She sends me a couple a week just because she wants to encourage MY ministry of encouragement.I DO have a waywith the kids, and the thngs they tell me at times are spo private and there are so many needs out there. I alwaysa stop to talk, and if it is really busy, I let them know they can talk to me the next time across because I want to know what’s going on with them!So, Linda, you are a great encourager to me, as you know. Are you up for a visit anytime soon, or is there something you need only I can bring you? Please let me know if you can. Oh, also, who is the pastor doing the service at LifeBridge? I know a couple of them well, and I would be so happy to go to the service, or even talk to whomever is doing the service and kind of be there on your behalf if you’d like me to, and if it is not when I am working.Love you, my sister in the Lord! God is awesome indeed!
Really enjoyed this beeidss the fact that it was well-written (which delights in the latent English Teacher in me), it was close to my heart. The Lord has been challenging me in the same areas, and you have aptly captured the essence of living out the love of God in a practical, parking lot kind of way. Why indeed to we think we have the right to be offended at others because of the choices they have made? This challenged me not only with the unlovely of the world, but even with those who are closest to me. Many times I pay for their choices and yet think it my right to be angry about it and withhold mercy, love and compassion in some misguided attempt to teach them a lesson. Instead, he was cluing us into the way things are; he was cluing us into reality. We are all valuable to God and were created to receive His love. Amen. Let’s have more of that kind of reality!
love love love! I had never thought about the ctoartsning concepts of meditation before- emptying versus filling. And meditation as “an activity of holy thought”- I will remember that. I do use meditation, but not often enough. It’s not necessarily the same as memorization, although memorization will come out of it. This is my favorite of your posts so far. Love this, Erika! Such great thoughts to take with me today!
Bob, your question ieovlvns a false assumption (that you have a proper understanding of the Bible verses or of how Jesus felt about himself). I recommend that you go to the public library and read several bible commentaries on Philippians 2: 5-11 and Luke 2:49. As to Psalms 69: 7-12 which was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born, it hard to say this refers to Jesus, although he did suffer much as these words indicate. Keep asking questions but read, read, read.
Oh, the ignorance. If it took him eight years to fiurge out he was god, he isn’t all-knowing, is he? He should have known he was god before he was born. If he knew he was god since before he was born, why did it take twenty or thirty years for him to start performing miracles? Was he stingy? Did he not know how?Either way, I just showed you that your religion is a farce. Have a nice day.
I often believe that I have been such a dispnaointmept. But, know that when God sees me he sees Jesus. But, here is what I often think about. If God sees Jesus who died for all of our sins, what does Jesus see when he looks down on earth. I try so very hard to be a good person and when I try really hard, I fail. But, when I run to Jesus to say I am sorry, he holds out his arms takes me into a tight hug and tells me it is okay. Go try again but, let me help you. Each day is better than the day before.
Why do Catholics believe in Mary woirshp or purgatory or the pope or the Apocrypha? Why do Mormons condone polygomy? Why don’t Baptists accept the person of the Holy Spirit? Why do Episcopalians condone homosexuality? We focus on what is wrong with the body of Christ and in so doing we drive a wedge between each other and then nobody wins because the body isn’t being strengthened and the lost aren’t coming to know Jesus. How could we expect anything other than that to happen when we are so focused on pointing out each other’s faults that we don’t do the very thing that Jesus told us to do Love God and love our neighbor. (Luke 10:27)Let’s start by acknowleging our own faults and ask the Lord to do a work in our lives so that we would be able to live accordingly, bearing fruits worthy of repentance (Mt. 3:8) and living lives that would turn the hearts of many back to a loving God.
I know who posted this and this was one of many times that God has prodevid in your life. Somehow, someway He always provides. My sister shared these verses with me the other day when I was feeling down and out. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Love it, love it, love it.So easy to say, so easy pray with others in the pews, such an easy mtnraa love one another’ ‘do unto others but in reality, we have been burned badly way too many times by the very same people in Albertson’s parking lot, or Trader Joe’s or Ralph’s etc etc who just need the last bit of change to get back to where ever’ and they used this very same ploy on me the day before! And so I get angry and tell them that I gave them that money to get them home ‘yesterday’! So why aren’t they there’!But then later, when reflecting on it, while driving home in my comfy warm leather seats, I realize that I remember’ because I’m going home to a comfy safe place and have the downtime and space to remember and reflect of things and people that I meet during the day and they do not’.Their ploy although still annoying as hell is probably what has worked best’ to get them the funds they need’ to live another day, another week, another month on the streets.And here again anger can set in with me, because you, Jenny and I have worked those mean streets for many years in downtown LA. And we KNOW FOR A FACT that there IS’ room at the Inn called the LA Mission and 6 others down there but the homeless make a choice’ to be homeless instead, so that they won’t have ANY rules of ANY type placed on them. They chose freedom! The freedom to freeze, the freedom to overdose on their chosen addiction, the freedom to starve, the freedom to be knifed at night for a nickle in their pockets. Anything less than total freedom becomes their enemy’.And so we’re back to the Ralph’s parking lot. Can you REALLY get mad at a homeless person for chosing freedom? Even a freedom that hurts them??Well if they chose freedom and don’t bother me for money, I guess that’s OK. But if they chose freedom and then bother’ me to pay for their own choice so that they won’t starve well that’s freedom for them but not for me. Unless unless I continue to do unto others’ and love others’ as Jesus has instructed to me, no matter that they chose freedom’.I wonder if Jesus would walk away from them and their own choices angry like I do sometimes or if he would love them anyway and meet them in their present circumstances, in the place they were and in the way they needed at the moment’.Doesn’t take much thinking does it.I’m shamed once more by my behavior.I love you Tony. mom
What a great message David! Jesus the Son of God, our all. Thought your coemtnms on Sin being abnormal as we see life through God’s story was amazing. I have to say I’ve never really see it in this way.Thank you mate.
When he was baptized, he found out that he was the SON of God not God hilsmef.. for if he was God, would his death really count to forgive us of our sins because of Adam? Uhh no that wouldn’t make sense because then it would have been all for show and we all know that God does things whole and completely not just in symbolism!
What wise prose. As I practice yoga, I was gnitteg pretty tired of the empty your mind part of my pose experience. Until I turned everything off and just allow soft music to enter. Then my mind was filled with His Words as my body moved.Thank you for sharing. Meditating on Scripture is a command but also a privilege!
I think it is very important to make a clear dionitctisn between an idea and the fact. The word “tree” is not the tree. The fact is that the eternal reality is immeasurable and unknown. It cannot be grasped by the intellect. When our thinking which is limited makes an abstraction of that reality and treats the abstraction as a fact then so many problems arise. We can very easily see that different organized religions offer different ideas of God and that has led to division and conflict. There is no doubt about the fact that nature has designed things in our brain to develop in certain ways based on evolution. One of the main things is the ability to think. Unfortunately Man at some point of time committed a serious blunder when thinking created images about things that do not exist and about things that cannot be comprehended by thought. Thought created an idea of the “me” and treated this idea as a fact. Human brain is conditioned by this idea. The entity called the “I” treats itself separate from “you” and creates duality between “me” and “you”. Same way by treating God as an object thinking creates an image of God and treats God separate from “me” Human beings experience love, beauty and joy. Ability to think is important. But it has its own place and love has its own place. There is no relationship without love. When thinking describes love, that description is not love. We can easily see how this word is misused in our day to day living. The idea of God got programmed in our brain because of our need for psychological security. “Self” by its very nature is insecure. It finds security when it gets identified with something stable and permanent. The reason why people believe in something or the other is the same. This need for psychological security sustains the belief.There is not much difference between a person who believes in God and the person who does not believe in God. Believers close their mind when they create an image of God and the atheists close their mind by denying something which they do not know. How can you deny something which you do not know? Obviously the idea of not believing is merely a reaction. It is born out of the mind that is ignorant. Both the believers and non-believers are not interested to find out the Truth. Believers find satisfaction in the image and the non believers have already reached a conclusion. Human mind is capable of pure and objective observation. This faculty is not being used because we are so much accustomed to looking at things only through the screen of ideas and beliefs. The question is, is it possible to set aside whatever is written in the holy books and look with a fresh mind. Is it possible to realize that thinking can make a concept of Truth but the concept is not the Truth? It is important to realize the limitation of thought and go beyond it. So long as we operate within the field of thought we are caught in the process of measurement and comparison. I fully agree with you that we have to start somewhere. But we don’t have start at some point of assumption because then the assumption will decide the course of our journey. We should start from where we are now. By understanding the nature of our mind we can remove so many illusions. Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.
Good morning Craig & all. I was just skeipang to my brother a few days ago on how we have 40 & 50 year old babies in the church who resist the revelation of Jesus but are defined in Gal.4: 1-3, “Now I say that an heir, as long as he is a ‘child,’ differs nothing from a servant though he be lord of all. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father. Even so we, when we were ‘children’ were in bondage under the elements of the world.” Imagine this, I was born again for over 22 years, like a child crawling on his hands and knees with ‘diaper rash’ from the law, thinking I was an adult, walking like Jesus. You know what was in my diaper? The dung of my obedience to the law, Phil.3: 8-9 for righteousness because in my high chair I was spoon fed law, law, law and I remained a child!I had my little toddler shirt on like the emblem of Superman but instead of an “S” on it, I had “SF,” meaning Superflesh! As I crawled on the floor, I would play with my building blocks of the law, which are the ‘elements (rituals, ceremonies, feast days, dietary laws, all of which were extentions of the law)’ of the world in Gal.4:3 believing that the more I ‘did’ the more I would learn how to ‘walk like Jesus.’ But, praise God for His Mercy, Jesus Christ & the Grace in Him, I began hearing of the Grace of God in Christ, the gospel and like Paul in 1Cor.13:11, “When I was a child, I spoke, understood and thought like a child (law law law, do this, dont do that, I must do this, I must’nt do that) but when I became a man, Gal.4:3, the time appointed of the Father (being the freedom from the law & freedom from being under it by being under grace)I put away childish things, (the law & faith by or in it & my obedience.) This is exactly what Paul is saying in Gal. 4, everyone under the law is childish, crawling under condemnation & guilt instead of ‘walking like Jesus,’ full of grace & truth by what He did by His obedience under the law. Being free from the law, dead to the law, delivered from the law, enables us to walk like sons & daughters who can take possession of our inheritance in Christ which is impossible as a child under the law!
about a statue of St. Paul in her home chcurh, If Paul himself were in my chcurh, I would want to hug him and show him appreciation and thanks. He’s not, but this statue is. That to say, Christ is the true image of God. What difference is a silhouette from an image? Should we not adore Christ as the Son of God? If it’s something you’re backed up against a wall about, I’d encourage you to do some research on icons in the Eastern chcurh. What we’re missing in the west that they have is an unbelievable adoration and worshipful appreciation of God. We’d rather be logical, linear, and positive that we’re staying within commands. We could learn a lot from them.
yea you probably have more than me, but do you have Saurmon? I was lucky to get my hands on a leitmid edition pack with Saurmon (action figurine) in his full dressed armour from fellowship of the ring! Its my greatest prized possession because of its rarety, yeah mate ill film them show you! But I admire that you have obviously spent more time money on your collection than I have.
Philipians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not roerbby to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.[By humbling Himself, He emptied himself of His Godhood to be come a man and humbled himself on the Cross to take our place.]9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. 14 Do all things WITHOUT MURMURINGS AND DISPUTINGS:v15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a CROOKED and PERVERSE nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
Just a fast hello and also to thank you for discussing your ideas on this page. I wound up indsie your weblog right after researching physical fitness connected issues on Yahoo… guess I lost track of what I had been performing! Anyway I’ll be back as soon as once more within the future to check out your blogposts down the road. Thanks!
I want to express thkans to you just for rescuing me from such a setting. Because of surfing around through the the net and obtaining suggestions which are not beneficial, I thought my life was well over. Living without the approaches to the difficulties you’ve sorted out by means of your entire site is a crucial case, as well as ones which may have adversely affected my career if I had not discovered your blog post. Your own training and kindness in dealing with a lot of things was very useful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not encountered such a thing like this. I am able to at this time look ahead to my future. Thanks so much for the expert and amazing guide. I will not think twice to recommend your site to anyone who desires counselling on this area.
This is a good post and may be one that can be followed up to see what happnesA good friend e mailed this link the other day and I will be desperately anticipating your next piece of writing. Carry on on the first-class work.
Wow! It was wonderful to read this post, God has been so good to so many. I’m etcexid that you are willing and ready to shout it out! More people (me) need to do it more often! God is AWESOME!
in the last paragraph of the suremmy on the back. “The message of Captivating is this: Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman- they are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating.”Ok. Longest comment ever. But check it out on Amazon. It made a big difference in helping me to see myself the way God sees me – not they way I see me.
praise God for His goodness. you know, seomtiems we feel like we’re at the end of the road, or maybe we feel hopeless but God rescues us right on time. He’s never a minute late. i’m glad you’re okay. (((HUGS)))
I want to finish my thugoht here. If God treated us fairly Jesus would have never died on the cross. and we would have never been offered salvation. I praise God that He loves me, He never fails me and He goes to plan B and on. Look ho w He blessed Israel, they sinned and went away from God countless times, but He was faithful and loved them any way. Romans 5:8 But God commended His love toward us, in that while we were sinners Christ died for us. Praise be to God!
Oh yeah, fabouuls stuff there you!
You are so right, Christine. Most times the God-placed things ARE in our view, we just chosoe to look other places. I wish I could say that I’ve overcome this tendency and conquered this struggle, but I’m right there with you and need this reminder probably more than anyone. So thankful for grace.
Um how does that quote prove that God is one being but at the same time three beings, all jemlbud together someone into one being/three beings?Isn’t a much more reasonable explanation that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose rather than actually one person? After all, Jesus prays to the father several times. Is He talking to Himself? And when God speaks from the heavens, is Jesus putting on a ventriloquism show to deceive people? And when Jesus prays to the Father to make the disciples one as He and the Father are one is He praying that all the disciplies will somehow morph together into one person or is it more reasonable that He is praying that the disciples be of one heart, mind, and purpose as they lead the church, just like Jesus and His Heavenly Father are of one heart, mind, and purpose?
I like the analogy, too. I mean, food is one of life’s great pelusares, right? (I think Noah’s appetite is proof of that: ). So food is a gift from God BUT knowing God through Christ is the best gift of all : )
I was sireuosly at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
He knew about 300 years after his death, at the Nicene Councils where he was deified. Before that, he was not coenidsred to be God. There is no such thing in Judaism as the Messiah being God. Or dying for anyone’s sins either. What you believe in comes from ancient paganism, not from Judaism.So therefore you need to keep your twisted interpretation of Psalms out of my Jewish Bible. There is no Jesus in the Jewish bible, and it certainly is not referring to your pagan human sacrifice there in Psalms.I found your question to be EXTREMELY insulting. I’m going to give you a break though, and just assume that you’re as ignorant as most Christians are about where the foundations for Christianity actually came from paganism instead of Judaism.
Praise God Almighty~! Misty understands Worship~the Deep Hunger wiihtn to commune Alone with Our Father~!Would be to God that His People called by His Name would humble themselves, pray, seek His Face Alone~would He then hear from Heaven and Heal our Land~?Even so come quickly Lord Jesus~Marranatha~!!!
Tony,Well done. Luke 6: 27-31. (NIV)27“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mstireat you. 29If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. 30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you. Jesus never put any stipulations on showing love and mercy. There was always the imperative to do so no matter what. It is so far removed from our human nature to allow what we see as injustice to go unpunished, yet Jesus took it upon himself to die on the cross and take on all of our sins. When we feel slighted in some way we automatically seek retribution. This goes back to the argument of having supreme responsibility for our actions. We seek retribution because we fully believe we have free will. Therefore, his actions were done purposefully and exact retribution. Our choices however are constrained by many things. There is a reason he lives on the street; there is a reason he treated you poorly.When we ourselves treat someone poorly, human nature makes us find reasons for it. Well, I was tired or I’ve had a bad day or He treated me poorly. Our behaviors are thus constrained by those things. We rarely can put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. One should not be blamed for wanting justice, but it is the inner voice of God that compels us to love and removes us from what human nature would have us do. That seems what to have happened here. I think you handled the situation well. It is hard not to get jaded.
Can I just say that I can’t wait to chat with you at Relevant?! Your words are uplifting, encniraguog, inspiring yet convicting all at the same time! Thank you for letting Him speak through you!
“It is our lifeline to the Father.” This is so true, Erika! I have been trinyg to pay closer attention to living out my prayer life. Though I make time in my morning for prayer and devotion, what does it look like throughout my day? Have I checked it off the list and on to my agenda…or am I living out that prayer time? I’m working on it. Thanks for this!
Praise the Lord! So much has happened in the past month.First I want to thank the owner of Mediatronics in NH, who griluoascy donates time on his sign all day, cycling in Signs For Jesus and a bible scripture. This alone is a testimony, the Lord orchestrated it all! Having this sign displaying scripture in the city of Manchester everyday has given us the opportunity to show others what we intend to do all across the country! If you haven’t seen any of the signs, you can look us up on face-book at signs for Jesus, go to our profile and you can view some of the currenta0 pictures. Currently I work full time during the day so I cannot always get away to take these pictures, but I will do my best to post at least a couple sign pictures each week.Second, the Planning Board meeting went great! The zoning ordinance being appealed was ultimately overturned. This seemingly insurmountable mountain which we once faced,is now been made a smooth plain- right before our eyes! Yes, the Lord has made our crooked path straight and even made a highway through the dessert.a0 We are going back to the Planning Board with all three of their previous denials- overturned! Please continue to pray for the next Planning Board meeting to go smooth; so we can finally move on with the sign!Think on this for a moment. God’s Word, being displayed publicly, every day, for every passer by to read. This is going to be powerful! I know He will use these signs to make a difference in our communities, and in our lives. Once this first sign is up, we move to the next one, each time wiser and more prepared.One of my favorite scriptures we are using in Manchester right now is Gen 1:1a0 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Think on this, in a day an age when we send our kids off to school and they are taught the “big bang” theory or when our own government promotes the theory of evolution, how powerful is this short scripture? It can no longer be hidden, we must shine this light He has given us, we are taking the bible of the bookshelf! His Truth must go forth into the streets. And that’s exactly what these signs will do, using God’s Word, we can expose all of the “theories” for what they truly are, lies from the enemy. No one has to yell, argue or proselytize, it’s simple, it’s God’s word going forth not ours, and It’s His Word and His Spirit that will do the convincing. The signs will go up, God will provide, I know this will all my heart. Meanwhile, the very best part is, God is giving you and I the opportunity to be a part of His work! This is the beauty of being His children. He doesn’t need our donations, all the riches of the world are His! Yet, He allows the opportunities for us to be a part of advancing His Kingdom and His blessings. Don’t miss out on what He has for you, we are still $25,000.00 away from purchasing this sign and we are asking everyone to get involved and be a part of making the difference in our land.More to come, Many Blessings to you all,Fab Cusson
Philippians 2:7 But made himself of no retpiauton (κενόω), and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:κενόω To make empty, to empty, falsify, be fallacious.(I) The antithesis of plērf3ō (G4137), to fill. Kenf3ō is used in Rom_4:14; 1Co_1:17; 1Co_9:15; 2Co_9:3; Phi_2:7 meaning to empty oneself, to divest oneself of rightful dignity by descending to an inferior condition, to abase oneself.(II) The use in Phi_2:7 is of great theological importance. It refers to Jesus Christ as emptying Himself at the time of His incarnation, denoting the beginning of His self-humiliation in verse eight. In order to understand what is meant by Jesus’ emptying Himself, the whole passage (Phi_2:6-8) must be examined.The two states of the Lord Jesus are spoken about here. In verse seven, the state of His humiliation is referred to as having taken the form [morphḗn {G3444} {acc.}] of a servant [dofalou {G1401} {acc.}], and having become in the likeness [homoiṓmati {G3667}{dat.}] of men [anthrṓpōn {G444}{gen. pl.}]. In contrast to this, we have His preincarnate, eternal state spoken of in verse six as being in the form [morphḗ] of God, and equal [edsa {G2470}] with God. The truth expressed here concerning His preincarnate state is that He had to be equal with God in order to have the form of God. He could not be God the Son without being Deity. He who showed us the morphḗ of God, the form of God, the essence of God, had to be equal with God Himself.The fact that Christ in His human form showed us God presupposes His being God at all times. He never claimed to be something without really being that in His essence. If He had, He would have been making a false claim.As to the use of the subst. harpagmf3s (G725), robbery or plunder, see the verb harpe1zō (G726), to seize, catch, pluck or pull (2Co_12:2, 2Co_12:4; 1Th_4:17; Jud_2:3; Rev_12:5). As a subst., harpagmf3s is used only in Phi_2:6. It refers to Christ’s not taking that which did not belong to Him by being in the form of God. His whole life was characterized by being (hupe1rchōn [G5225]) that which He always was. Prior to His incarnation He was in the form, the essence of God, and after His incarnation He was still in the form of God in spite of His voluntary humiliation.Notwithstanding His essence of deity, He took upon Himself the true essence of a servant (morphḗn dofalou). In order to be a servant, however, He had to become a man and appear in the likeness of men (en homoiṓmati anthrṓpōn). By doing this He emptied Himself of the proper recognition that He had with the Father as God who is Spirit (pnefama [G4151]; Joh_4:24) and entered into the world of men, most of whom did not at all recognize Him for who He was. The use of the aor. act. part. labṓn (lambe1nō [G2983], to take), having taken (with reference to the form of a servant), indicates that humanity did not displace deity in His personality. Rather He took upon Himself voluntarily, in addition to His preincarnate condition, something which veiled His deity. Proper recognition is called df3xa (G1391), glory, praise, from the verb doke9ō (G1380), to recognize. In the form of man and servant, He lacked the recognition among men that He had with the Father (Joh_17:5). This voluntary humiliation of Christ began with the incarnation and was carried through to His crucifixion. In His resurrection, He laid aside His form of a servant.
I am not a disbevelier in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; I bevelie the Bible. For HE (GOD), does exist as He does. The Problem is that we are FINITE,and God isINFINITE.And, with our FINITEminds, God canNOT be explained. Non-beveliers in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit want Him (God,) to be explained in a way that they can understand, the tri-unity of God. They REFUSE to accept the fact, that He (GOD), is all three YET, while at the same time, they are allONE,and the SAME God.BUT, JW’s are NOTthe only ones who do not bevelie that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, are all ONEGod as well as their own separate persons. ONENESSfolk, better known as Apostolics or Jesus Only folk, also do NOT bevelie this.
I really enjoy radieng how radical Jesus Christ the Lord is working in your life. To see what he sees and love how he loves, Man, We can only Hope for glimpses and thats what He’s given you a glimpse that has eternal ramifications . I like those moments. Keep up the good Words. Much Love, Mando
Oh, thank you! Your words are an encouragement to me! I, too, have been slgnrgtiug. I wrote this a while ago and just went back and forth about whether or not to even post this now. So thankful to hear that it’s blessed you. I think it’s just the encouragement I need today, too! Thankful HE knows what is best!
It means that Jesus set aside His glory and power to take on human form, so that He could experience first-hand what is was like to be human. He as as much human as we are, but was wiohtut sin. Also, He had the fullness of the Holy Spirit within Him, whereas we are given a measure of the Spirit.As for values, He suffered temptations just as we did, He suffered pain, weariness, thirst, hunger, rejection yet He didn’t sin. Yet He trusted in God and didn’t lose faith, but was obedient in all things, just as we should be.
In Philippians 2:5-8; he “emptied himself” of his henlvaey glory and spirit nature and “took a slave’s form” in submitting to the transferal of his life to the earthly, material, human plane. The assignment before him represented a tremendous responsibility; so very much was involved. By remaining faithful he would prove false Satan’s claim, recorded in the case of Job, that under privation, suffering, and test, God’s servants would deny Him. (Job 1:6-12; 2:2-6) As the firstborn Son, Jesus, of all God’s creatures, could give the most conclusive answer to that charge and the finest evidence in favor of his Father’s side in the larger issue of the rightfulness of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. Thereby he would prove to be “the Amen .a0.a0.a0, the faithful and true witness.” (Re 3:14) If he failed, he would reproach his Father’s name as none other could.In selecting his only-begotten Son, Jehovah, of course, was not ‘laying his hands hastily upon him,’ with the risk of being ‘a sharer in possible sins,’ for Jesus was no novice likely to get “puffed up with pride and fall into the judgment passed upon the Devil.” (Compare 1Ti 5:22; 3:6.) Jehovah ‘fully knew’ his Son from his intimate association with him during countless ages past (Mt 11:27) and could therefore assign him to fulfill the unerring prophecies of His Word.
.At the beginning of cahpter two, Paul is encouraging the congregation to have the same mental attitude of Christ doing nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to themselves,a0keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just their own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others.Then Paul points to the high position of Jesus in his prehuman existence in the heavens with his Father and how even though he was existing in God’s form (he was a spirit person like his heavenly father) he didn’t try to be equal to God, instead he willingly took the form of a human and humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death. After that he was resurrected to heaven and given a name higher than any other creation. I personally do not think that this proves the trinity.
I love this. Our busy society does not lend iteslf to enough time for meditation. yet, as you point out, we can be meditating while doing so many other things. I love this sentence “It is how the Word sinks down deep, moving from our heads to our hearts, where it is planted deep in our very souls and woven into the fabric of our lives! “
This strikes me: We bemcoe what we think … so what are we thinking? It makes me think about all the times I have spiraled downward and gotten more and more ensnared by thoughts not of Him. What a sword of the Spirit we have in the Word — that can deliver us from the downward spiral…
THANK YOU for this! Creating this has not once been off of my mind, and lately, it’s alwyas there! I NEED to do this, and I so appreciate your encouragement to just get. it. done! Will you pray for me? Especially that God opens up a pocket of time to do just this … and for the technical side of things, that I can figure it out!! I really do appreciate that you took the time to write, encouraging me to do this!
I think this is pretty renlsaaboe understanding of this passage: (1) that it cannot mean that he literally divested himself of his divine nature and perfections, for that was impossible. He could not cease to be omnipotent, and omnipresent, and most holy, and true, and good.(2) it is conceivable that he might have laid aside, for a time, the symbols or the manifestation of his glory, or that the outward expressions of his majesty in heaven might have been withdrawn. It is conceivable for a divine being to intermit the exercise of his almighty power, since it cannot be supposed that God is always exerting his power to the utmost. And in like manner there might be for a time a laying aside or intermitting of these manifestations or symbols, which were expressive of the divine glory and perfections. Yet,(3) this supposes no change in the divine nature, or in the essential glory of the divine perfections. When the sun is obscured by a cloud, or in an eclipse, there is no real change of its glory, nor are his beams extinguished, nor is the sun himself in any measure changed. His luster is only for a time obscured. So it might have been in regard to the manifestation of the glory of the Son of God. Of course there is much in regard to this which is obscure, but the language of the apostle undoubtedly implies more than that he took an humble place, or that he demeaned himself in an humble manner. In regard to the actual change respecting his manifestations in heaven, or the withdrawing of the symbols of his glory there, the Scriptures are nearly silent, and conjecture is useless perhaps improper. The language before us fairly implies that he laid aside that which was expressive of his being divine that glory which is involved in the phrase “being in the form of God” and took upon himself another form and manifestation in the condition of a servant.
I think toast dipped in A1 soudns good. Cottage cheese and barbeque potato chips is another favorite. I like the analogy. When we really hunger for God, He sometimes satisfies our need in strange ways; like drawing us to a Scripture that has nothing to do with whatever is on our minds to distract, teach and comfort in a way only He can do. God bless Noah perhaps he is a chef in the making.
Writadten to lead Chrisadtians deeper into readading their Bibles, to reimnd them to ask and learn what the Bible really says, to faciladiadtate the memadoadrizaadtion of verses as the Holy Spirit leads us, to encouradage medadiadtaadtion on the Word, and to guide Chrisadtians in askading God for help in underadstandading. The author has comadpiled an invaluadable coladlecadtion of Bible quotes. His own underadstandading is given in short paraadgraphs at the start of each chapadter, and in appenaddices at the end. While I canadnot agree with his sciadence, or his assumpadtions about sciadenadtists, I value his puradpose in thisa0book.