The Path to Justice

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Jesus is Afflicted by Astrid With righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth.” Isaiah 11:4

The blind man had wept and cried, shouted and mourned, and finally he had Jesus’ attention. Jesus smiled at him and said, “Your faith is great.”

Jesus recognized the poor man and was ready to give him justice, just as the prophecy said. He had done this again and again. He sees and loves and is ready to grant what the poor really need.

I have to admit, if I were there, facing the blind man, I might have said,

“I know a program that would be just right for you.”
“Do you want me to help you get on disability?”
“Let me take you to the church elders and have them pray for you.”
“Let’s take you to a doctor and see what they can do for you.”

But none of these are what Jesus did. Because Jesus knows how to establish justice for the poor. He is the King, ready to grant equity.

He said, “What can I do for you?”
Although he was the King, he didn’t take authority for the man’s life on himself.
Although he knew all things, even men’s heart, he didn’t assume he knew what was best for this poor man.
As Jesus often did, he placed himself below the poor one, and listened.

The man said, “Lord, I want to see.”
And because that was what he wanted, Jesus gave it to him.

Because that’s the kind of king Jesus is.
May we be servants of the poor like Him.

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