Prayer Requests – June 2012

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* Two of the young homeless girls, although again homeless have gone through job training and gotten jobs. Please pray for Aubrie and Rachel that they would keep their jobs and get housing again.

* Anawim is desperately seeking more support. We need about 20 people to give us 50 dollars a month in support in order to pay our monthly bills. Please pray that the Lord would lead more supporters our way.

* Pray for our new St. John’s ministry. The beginning of any ministry to the homeless is listening and building trust. Pray that we would be able to really connect to the new friends we are meeting there.

* Pray for Rick, Dan and others who are hospitalized.

* Pray that we would have good relations with our neighbors around the facility in Gresham.


  1. August 2, 2012


    Both Aubrie and Raichel have housing. They are working and doing well.

    St. Johns ministry is feeding between 30-40 people a week.

    Rick is out of the hospital, living at the community house. He needs long term care.


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