Pray for Peace for All

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As believers in Jesus, we are to respectfully submit to authorities.
We can respectfully disagree with them.
We can respectfully warn them about God’s judgment on their actions.
If they tell us to cease our loving actions, we can even respectfully disobey them.
But we may not slander them, hate them or tell lies about
And we must pray for the authorities over us.
We don’t pray for their downfall, nor for their success.
Rather, we pray that they would be the kind of authorities that would bring peace to our land, so that we can peacefully speak and live out the teachings of Jesus.
  1. February 10, 2013


    So, as my Father prayers, I pray: “… for the peace of Jerusalem”!…Yes scripture urges us to pray for all our leaders…locally and nationally…seeking God’s heart for all to turn to Him…to love Him…to Glorify Him! I pray for my leaders…my father “Irvin” is a great example to me of this kind of devoted prayer…” With respect for his Godly leadership in my life, I am “Ramona K.Ewert/Foster”

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