Listening Not Fretting

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Can’t stop…can’t stop…can’t stop…

Jesus and his disciples traveled through a village and a woman named Martha offered them hospitality. Martha’s sister Mary didn’t help Martha at all, but instead sat at Jesus feet as he taught his disciples, listening. Martha, of course, was busy with all the preparations one must make to host thirteen people.
Martha came up to Jesus and said, “Lord, why have you let my sister leave me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to get off her butt and help me.”
Jesus answered, shaking his head, “Martha, Martha. You fret and worry about so many things. Only one thing is really necessary and Mary has chosen the better part. This will never be taken from her.”

(Paraphrase of Luke 10:38-42)


It is amazing how much time I spend worrying about the mundane. As the head of a church for the homeless, I want to make sure that I have enough food for everyone, and to make sure that we have enough money to pay the rent and the bills. And I want to make sure that there’s enough toilet paper and groceries for the house… and on and on. Half my life is spend being concerned on whether there is “enough” to go around.

Jesus tells me clearly that I should stop focusing on if I have “enough.” There are bigger fish to fry. Just like Jesus told Martha “You are concerned about many things, but Mary has chosen the better part.” The better part isn’t doctrine, and Jesus is not rejecting service or hospitality.

The point is this: Jesus wants me to spend more time with Him and less time on fretting. I need to do what I can do and let the rest go. And if I stop fretting, perhaps I can spend more time in prayer and let the world turn without me tonight.

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