Help Us Get a New Engine!

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1996-2000_Dodge_Caravan_4-Door Just in brief:

At the end of 2014, our homeless ministry’s van got totaled. We received enough money to buy a (very) used replacement. Unfortunately, this week, the replacement wore out and we need a new engine in it. Unfortunately, we use all of our funds to feed more than four hundred people a week and to give a hundred people showers, and to provide a home for those who have no home. So we don’t have a few thousand dollars to replace our engine.

If you’d like to help us get us back on the road, ready to pick up and distribute food and clothes and people, please, if you can, donate toward our replacement engine!

  1. June 23, 2015


    Thanks so much to all of those who advertised and supported to this need! We have gotten our financial need met and the car is getting repaired as I write! Thank God for all of your faithfulness!

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