Following Jesus: Final List

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Blinds I’ve always got blinders on.
In following Jesus love is central so I can’t hate or be apathetic.
(by which I mean I can but I can’t if I’m following Jesus).
In following Jesus I always begin with the low and I can’t get wealthy support first.
Leadership is servanthood, so patriarchy is out.
Forgiveness and restoration is always the goal, so I can’t cut anyone off.
Mercy is the law, so meeting needs is a constant activity.
I live at creating peace, so violence and harshness is out.
Poverty is a blessing so personal wealth isn’t an option.
Wisdom is found in the uneducated, so no diplomas for me.
Vulnerability is basic, so I can’t protect myself as much as I’d like.
There’s a lot I can’t do.
But this is the path the world is changed.
One act of kindness at a time.
Following Jesus is a limitation.
But one I’m glad of, for my life wouldn’t be worth much otherwise.

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