Dogs Save Lives

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Many dogs save the lives of the homeless.
A dog can protect their human.
A dog can be a loving irritant to help their human’s character grow.
A dog can keep their human warm on a winter night.
A dog can give their human family to love.
A dog can provide their human with someone to be responsible for and to take care of.
A dog can give friendship and love.


A dog is family.

Dano fixing Nitro's wheelchair

A dog can be a reason to quit drugs or alcohol.
A dog can be a reason to control one’s anger.
A dog can be a focus to develop love and compassion.


Support the homeless with pets. It is good for the homeless. It is good for the community.
Help us by providing dog food, leashes, medicine and vet care for homeless dogs.
  1. June 6, 2012


    Brilliant! Dogs say thanks!


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