Create a Network of Churches- Justice for the Homeless #5

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Brenda and Tom at 1st Baptist

Brenda and Tom at 1st Baptist in Gresham, part of the Gresham day shelter network

Most of our churches are small and have little finances or resources. But groups of churches are able to do what an individual church cannot. A group of churches can establish a day shelter in areas of town where the homele ss population isn’t being served. A group of churches can establish a regular meal for the local poor to eat. A group of churches can collectively go to the city council and request that they no longer harass the homeless, to stop treating them all as if they were criminals and not citizens. A group of churches can listen to the homeless, find out their needs and help them with the resources they have collectively.

In one area of town, Anawim listened to the homeless and provided a winter shelter. In another area of town they didn’t want a winter shelter, but propane stoves to keep warm in their tents. Our church networks were able to provide these services. Anawim also helped establish day shelters networks in both Gresham and St. Johns so that the homeless would have a place to go during the day. This next year, Anawim is planning on working with a new group, Street Forward to develop a church group who will speak to city leaders about homeless rights.

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  1. September 4, 2014

    Janet Isabel Smith

    Church networks are vital for helping the homeless and providing what is needed..As you know, the Lord has been opening the door for this strategy in this area as least since 2007, when the Lord provided this proposal to me for a faith-based Coalition for the Homeless. I presented this proposal first to City Bible Church and then they gave it to the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association when Father opened the door right afterwards. This Coalition idea has the potential now of reaching the entire Portland area, as there are organizations in place for this to happen through prayer and networking. I believe your writing should be reaching the Palau Association and the County office on faith-based activities and Deborah Kafoury at the least.Also, Father’s House Pastor Steve Trujillo and Clear Creek Church, Pastor Gary Tribbett. Thank you for what you are doing! Blessings in the name of Jesus. .

  2. September 4, 2014

    Janet Isabel Smith

    I should- add on my above comment that Luis Palau’s Ass’n. moved with the idea and it formed a basis for their work for the homeless that summer. I was given the understanding by Father that there was much positive fallout for churches working together since then. Now this is a new season, I believe..

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