Clean and Sober Hall of Fame!

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Addiction is a serious social issue which no one seems to able to find the answer for. Of course, when we talk about a mental health problem, there isn’t any cut and dried, one easy step approach. All we know is that there is a process. And that process includes the following items: an individual’s determination to be transformed; God’s work in people’s lives, and a community to love and support them.

Anawim is so proud of these folks who have chosen the path of transformation. Anawim has just been a small part of the community to encourage their transformation, but we thank God for allowing us to be a part of His transforming work!

Here are just a few of the Anawim who have allowed God to transform them:

6 years clean from meth! 254535_10150212174076267_4202159_n

2 months clean and sober!

4 years clean from drugs! Diver

30 days clean and sober!
Cook Dave

2 1/2 years clean and sober!

Brook Leslie

4 1/2 months clean and sober!

Wayne Brooks

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