Are you interested in ministering to the homeless in Gresham?

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Acrylic on canvas; 11x14"

Acrylic on canvas; 11×14″

In Gresham, we have as many as 600 homeless folks on our streets. Some live in cars, some camp, some sleep on couches. But they could all use some help.

Are you interested in helping our local homeless but you don’t know where, or with who, or how?

Come to Introduction to Homeless Ministry, a two hour session which will give an overview of homelessness in Gresham and discuss opportunities to serve in a safe, loving environment.

Pastor Steve Kimes, a minister to the homeless in Gresham for twenty years will lead us .

Four times/locations (each session has the same content):

  1. Saturday morning, April 11, 10am-12pm
    Anawim Christian Community
    19626 NE Glisan, Gresham


  1. Tuesday evening, April 14, 6:30-8:30pm
    Henry’s Catholic Church
    346 NW 1st St,, Gresham


  1. Thursday evening, April 16, 6:30-8:30pm
    Trinity Lutheran Church
    507 W Powell Blvd, Gresham


  1. Saturday evening, April 18, 6:30-8:30pm
    East Hill Foursquare Church
    701 N Main Ave, Gresham


If interested, please register at:
or contact Anawim at
  1. April 6, 2015

    Pastor Dawn Faihtinger

    I have been doin the same thing as you have,minstering to the homeless an helping out dont know how we have missed each other all these years. Would love the oportunity to work with you in the Gresham area with he homeless an see what areas I could help with to the glory of God. I would love to talk to you about what you have opened you need help with. I’m not much of a morning person {at least not before 9am lol} takes awhile for the old body to get up an going then after Gods glory moves al over IM UP AN OUT. My cell number 971-712-9397. Thank you an look forward to hearing from you. in Christ

    • April 6, 2015


      I’m in California right now, but I’d be happy to contact you when I return.

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