An Opportunity For You (yes, YOU) To Help Anawim

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Dappled thingsAs we write requests for grants, one thing that will help us is letters of reference. Those who provide grants need to hear about the positive impact Anawim has been making on the communities we are involved in and about lives that we have helped change. They want to hear from churches and business owners who support our work financially or with donations. They want to hear from people who have worked with us in the past and have been impressed with our work.

The more letters we get, the more likely it is that we will be able to get grants so we can continue our work, and make it better.

Some of the grants that we will be applying for are:

Hiring the homeless to do landscaping, donation sorting and clean up

Additional space for more showers, storage, and a laundry facility

Hiring an administrative assistant grant writer (hey, what a thought!)

Provide opportunities for the homeless to retrieve birth certificates and legal IDs

If you’d like to see us do this work and more, all we are asking for now are letters of support, and letters of reference. Please write a letter and send it to It really means a lot to us.

Steve Kimes


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