What Does Anawim Need?

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Ongoing donated needs for our ministry:

  • Athletic socks
  • Clothes—all sizes, all kinds, especially men’s clothes
  • Canned food, all kinds, especially meals in a can (beans, soup, meats, ravioli, chili, etc)
  • Toilet paper
  • Coffee, coffee creamer, sugar
  • Cup o Noodles, Ramen, sliced lunch meat, hot dogs, fresh fruit
  • Large quantities of meat, cheese, noodles, rice, spaghetti sauce, canned beans for meals
  • Shampoo, soap, razors, deodorant, feminine hygiene items for showers
  • Paper plates and cups for special meals
  • Art supplies for our free art studio
All above items can be dropped off at 19626 NE Glisan, Gresham on Tuesdays from 11 to 5pm, Wednesdays from 1 to 8pm and Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. Or they can be dropped off by appointment at 3733 N Williams, Portland (call Steve at 503-888-4453)
Financial donations for rent, utilities and vehicle expenses
Financial donations for special projects:
  • Paying for the homeless to obtain lost ID and birth certificates
  • Providing paid labor for the homeless (we have the work, but not the cash!)
  • Providing for supplies so the homeless can create and sell crafts
  • Providing for tutoring at our free art studio
  • Providing stipends for volunteers at our day shelters
Checks can be sent to 3733 N Williams, Portland, OR 97227 or click on this link to pay online.
If you’d like to pay toward a special project, please indicate it with a note.
Tax deductible receipts are available upon request.

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