Sowing Seeds

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Today I was out in North Portland and I had just finished reclaiming a friends yard with some mowing and trimming. I was all loaded up when a lady came and asked me to come to her house and mow her *front lawn.* The *front lawn* was about ten feet long and 5 feet wide. It has to be the smallest lawn I have ever mowed that I could remember and so I charged her $5 and that included and edging.

Photo: Pearl Bucknall RF / Alamy

Turns out this lawn is the grave of her beloved German Shepherd. The lady is in her 80s and she is all alone. Her husband died 20 years ago both of her sons have also passed on. The Grand kids live on the East coast and all her friends have moved away or have died and she is just so lonely. It has been a long time since I have had one of these they talk and you provide the appropriate ew and ah. Soon I was inside her house and she was introducing me to her family in pictures. Then she showed me all the treasures she has accumulated over her 80 years.


I asked her if she was a church goer. She said she use to attend Mass at the queen of Peace every Sunday but then they stop coming to pick me up and…….I don’t know I am so frail I can hardly walk any more. I said if they would come to pick you up would you start going again. Oh yes yes yes and tears started flowing…….


Praise God for cell phones. One thing you can count on Churches for is that they very seldom change their phone numbers and so using a 6 year old church directory I made a call. One thing about the Catholic Church is that their priest love making house calls. So in less than 15 minutes Father Patrick was at the front door and the good father was well into his 70s and so Mrs Pochack was busy making Tea for the Priest and my self. I handed my card to the priest with the comment we both have the same boss. Father Nicholas just smiled.


Before I left Mrs Pochack was going to go to mass tonight and Father Nicholas was driving her and then he would arrange for her transportation to as many services and events as she would like to attend. In the end we prayed together and the Father said He would be praying for me to find more lost sheep.

I have a saying on my cards that I gleaned from a King Author movie which says:
“In serving each other we become free.”
In the scriptures it says “One sows, one waters, and God gets the increase.”

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