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Guest post by Dan Mosley
My first winter in Oregon on a Sunday, it was dark when I got up hurriedly to get dressed and ready for church. At last, late as usual, I reached under my bed and slipped my shoes on quickly, and was out the door with Martha. When we got there in the back row, there was a stranger sitting beside me who appeared to be hearing impaired. He sang loudly and off key. He smelled bad. His clothes threadbare. But, as he sat next to me, the oddest thing about him was his shoe. He wore worn out old brown loafers.
When it was time to leave, we greeted each other. I could not help but glance awkwardly down. And that’s when the Lord dealt with me. You see, in the dark I had put on one of my old worn out shoes while I also put a new dress shoe on the other foot.
Moral of the story: Be careful how you look down on other people. One day the shoe may be on the other foot.

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