Prayer and Praise – February 2012

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We love you, Lord!

  • We give Jesus all worship, we give him our obedience, we give him our trust!
  • Thank God for giving two of the Anawim folks trailers to live in, Please pray that they can get places to park them with reasonable rent.
  • Thank God for three of the Anawim homeless folks deciding to remain clean and sober. Pray that God can keep them on track.
  • Thank God for giving enough sleeping bags, tents, socks, hand warmers and more to keep our folks warm on cold nights without shelter.
  • Thank God for the shelters being open during the recent snowstorm.
  • Thank God for the City of Gresham being willing to compromise with Anawim to allow the building to be open during the coldest weather.
  • Thank God that Anawim received a couple more regular donors. Pray that we get more- we still are unable to meet our regular costs!

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