Prayer and Praise – April 2012

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Art by Yvan Strong

~Sanctuary is approved by the Gresham Fire Department to host overnight shelters under certain severe weather conditions. Praise God! We’ve been praying and working hard for this!

~We will be hosting meetings to teach skills for hosting the homeless in ones church in the next month, as well as a community meeting for those who live around our Gresham facility. Pray that we would be able to increase peace for the homeless.

~Pray for Anawim’s financial situation which is reaching emergency levels.

~Pray for two couples who were able to get off the street, now it looks like they will lose their apartments. Pray that they will be able to work through what issues they have and stay off the street.

  1. August 2, 2012


    The couples did lose their housing, but they are back in housing and working.


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