Ordinary Average Guy…

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Little Flock I decided this morning to take myself out to breakfast. I was going to buy a
paper and eat breakfast and drink coffee and pretend that I was just an
ordinary person. That was the plan. I got dressed and got into the truck and
drove to the restaurant. I pulled into a parking spot went and bought my paper
and headed for the door.
There, standing about 10 feet from the door, was an old
man, older than me, with a sign begging for money for the breakfast special.
One egg, a strip of bacon, and a short stack and coffee for $5.
“Any luck?” I asked. “Not yet,” says he as he smiles. “Put away your sign and let’s go
in,” I said. We sat down and I ordered coffee for us both. “Paul,” he says with a
hand extended. “Jeff,” I said, taking the hand and shaking it.
The waitress appears; it’s Chrissy. “Hi Jeff, found another one?” I nod. “The same
for both of you?” I nod again.
About 10 minutes later as Paul and I were
reading my paper, Chrissy is back with a tray with two Steak and Eggs with
toast and hashbrowns and a pot of coffee. Paul begins to cry. Chrissy hands
Paul a couple of extra napkins. I pray and give thanks for the food. Paul dries his
eyes, blows his nose, and says, “I was expecting just the special.” I smiled. “This is MY
special. When God pours out a blessing it usually pressed down and over
flowing. Scripture says to whom much is given much is required. The special
on the sign is the bare minimum…..I have never known God to deal out bare
minimum blessings. Now eat up and be filled.” Breakfast done and a large hot
coffee to go– Paul and I go our separate ways .
Someday maybe I will get to take myself out to breakfast and just be
  1. February 10, 2015

    Dan Moseley

    I love you, bro! I wish I could be there with you guys. My wife is still scared at the idea of having homeless people in our home for hospitality, and she may be right. What should I do?

    • February 19, 2015


      You can still connect with the homeless in centers outside of your home. You can come to Anawim or many other places locally. As times goes on, you might be able to bring someone home for dinner, but you don’t have to. I would recommend just getting to know some folks on the street in a neutral location.

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