It’s Time! – October 2012

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Today, as I am writing this newsletter, it is an important day in Portland,

Oregon. It is the first day of full rain since last July. We expect many, many more. Our relationship with the sun is a tenuous one at best, so we’ve made our goodbyes and hope to see him next summer. Hopefully we’ve stocked up on our vitamin D.

Fall is a great season for Portland. We are happy with the rain (as if it is the only time of year that happens), we glory in the changing colors, we harvest our vegetables and gladly turn our backs on the heat. The chill in the air is refreshing, and the wet is fun. But it is a reminder for those of us who work with the homeless that the real cold is coming.

For now, a simple cover is enough to provide for our homeless. But quickly the weather will turn even colder, and our folks will be in danger. Hypothermia can hit at 40 degrees or higher, depending on the precipitation and one’s personal activity. In years past, the cold has caused some to be in the hospital for weeks, to lose limbs, to even die. We want to be ready ahead of time. God has provided us with a warehouse, and we want to be able to meet needs before it becomes dangerous.

Winter is a good time too. The cold can be bracing and kids love the snow. One of these days you’ll be sitting snug in your house with the heater on, just a bit, and the fire going and saying to one of your family, “I am sure glad I’m not outside in this.” I’m glad you’re not, too. But what about those who are? By the time one of those nights hit, it’s too late for those on the street.

Please, help us be ready when the inevitable comes.


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