Grandpa 101

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So I had just finished my Wednesday meeting of the Brethren and on my way home when I saw an old friend walk into a store. So I pulled over and went in the store. At the front of the store there are some tables and chairs kind of and impromptu coffee/tea thingy. So we sat down and started catching up.

Well about 5 minutes into the conversation, this little boy of about 3 or 4 years, is climbing into my lap and then nestles up to my chest. No word spoken, my friend smiles and continues.

A minute goes by and another little boy a shade older pushes a chair over climbs up and then leans against my side. My friend says, “Are these your grand kids?” and I say “Well, I guess they are now.”

Our conversation continues when a young man in his late 20s comes into the store with a look of desperation in his eyes, and then he sees the boys and says, “Where have you been? Your mother is worried sick.”

The boy on my lap turns and says matter-of-factly, “Why we have been with Grandpa.”

Dad is between anger and relief and I said to the boys, “Next time, tell your mom where you’re are going okay?”

The older says, “Then she will say we can’t because Grandpa is dead……”

Out of the mouths of babes…….

A moment later there was a young woman standing in the door staring at me. I stood up went over and said “Good Morning, I am Grandpa.”

This created a contorted smile, a sob, and a 2 minute hug and then and invite to come back. So I gave her a card so she could call me anytime. Because Grandpas, like God, are on call 24/7.

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