Faith in Crisis, Part 2

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At the beginning of this month, our landlord of many years who has graciously allowed us to live in this house at the rent of 600 per month and then a year ago he raised it to 650. Now due to an increase of taxes and his wife’s deteriorating health he needs to sell the house.

So we started exploring the area to find new lodgings only to find out that rent on the average exceeds what we have as income by some 2 to 400 dollars and that doesn’t even address utilities and deposits and first and last and application fees and so on and so forth.

So what were we to do? Well I have a favorite psalm it is #61 and it says “Hear my cry, O Lord, attend unto my prayer from the ends of the earth do I call unto Thee…. When my heart is faint lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For Thou art my refuge and a strong tower against the enemy.”

So there I am in the shower crying out saying “I have nothing but you. We have but $1963.13 that is it. Your servants will be on the street and I tell you Lord I do not want to be there and I am sure my wife would agree.” I laid out what I thought we could do but that HE would provide the finances cause we don’t have the money “and what’s more You know we don’t have the money.” And by that time I had worked myself into a state of tears standing wet naked and crying before God. Then this remarkable peace just settled over me I had been heard and now I needed to wait.

Last Sunday God sent the answer and we have the funds for the motor home and then Monday morning I received a call from a friend and there had been another pledge towards the motor home and the liberty to go from searching to hunting. So that is where we are now: hunting and seeking God’s anointing for the right motor Home. So that is where we are currently. Please keep praying……

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