Excellent Considerations

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IMG_20140310_124953 We do not know God from His essence. We know Him rather from the grandeur of His creation and from His providential care for all creatures.
-Maximus the Confessor

Lord purge our eyes to see
within the seed a Tree;
within the glowing egg a bird;
within the shroud a Butterfly-
till taught by such,
we see beyond all creatures,
-Christina Rossetti

Sow everywhere the good seed is given you.
Sow in the good ground.
Sow in the sand.
Sow amongst the stones.
Sow amongst the weeds.
Perhaps some of the seeds will open
up and grow and bring forth fruit, even if not at once.
-Sereaphim of Sarvour, a Russian Monk

Noble Creator God, forgive our moments of ingratitude.
The spiritual blindness that prevents us from appreciating
the wonder that is this world.
The endless cycle of nature,
Of the life and death and rebirth.
Forgive us for taking without giving,
Reaping without sowing.
Open our eyes to see, our lips to praise, and our hands to share.
May our feet tread lightly on the the path we tread,
An our footsteps be worthy of the following,
For they all lead to you.
-J. Birch

It is written that the prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Lord through your power all things were made.
Through your wisdom all things are governed.
Through your grace all things sustained.
Give us power to serve you,wisdom to discern your
laws and grace to obey them at all times.
-Edmund of Abingdon

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