Doesn’t Hurt To Ask

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Yesterday I was in Walmart getting cat food and litter and I went for a stroll to see how they had remodeled the store. As I came around a corner of this isle there was this little boy of about 4 or 5 years old admiring this large bin of basketballs. A moment later his mother came to him and said, “ I’m sorry honey, but we just don’t have enough money to afford a basketball. “

Not to be deterred he said, “Momma, Jesus can afford it can we pray and ask.” And so the mother stooped down with her son and prayed, and the little boy’s prayer was,”Mr. Jesus sir could you please buy me a basketball. My old one went flat. Thank you. Amen.” and the Mom whispered with a tear streaking down her cheek “Amen.” Brushing away the tear she arose and taking her son’s hand started walking away when the little boy look back and said “Good bye basketball, see you soon.”

Now there is and adage that says “God works in mysterious ways” and so as I was approaching the checkout stand there was the young mom and her son and as she was collecting her bags and walking towards the exit and she was stopped by the store security and one of the managers came up and gave the little boy his basketball.

The manager looked at the mom and said “I heard the prayer and your son saying good bye to the basketball and that he would see him soon and well,…… this is soon.”

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