Diagnosed: Chronic Stress and the Homeless Pt. 2

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The homeless person should be the poster child for a diagnosis of chronic stress. A person with the official diagnosis of chronic stress endures stressful events over a long period of time over which they have no control. Which is almost the definition of homelessness.
All of our bodies are made to deal with stress. Chronic stress becomes a problem because our bodies are not made to deal with continual stress over a long period of time. Rather, they are made to deal with a certain amount of stress and then to have periods of rest in which the body can recuperate. If one’s body isn’t allowed a period of rest from stress, then it creates abnormal ways of dealing with that unending stress.
The symptoms of chronic stress can include:
Inability to concentrate
Intense mood swings
Depression, including fits of anger, lack of energy and suicidal thoughts
High blood pressure
For this reason, many of the homeless have difficulty filling out forms or getting to meetings on time because of their inability to concentrate. Many of the homeless will irrationally strike out against others, even those who have helped them, because of the inability to deal with stress. For this reason, many of them have persistent hopelessness, because of their depression. Many of the homeless also are so anxious that they are unable to sleep, which causes other mental disorders. Some have undiagnosable pains in their back, stomach or skin. All of this makes it difficult, if not for some impossible, to get a job, to restore broken relationships or even to apply for disability.

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