Be Better…

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Because I Love If you want to be a better person, love better.

Tenderly love your spouse better than you did last month.

Treat cashiers better.

Be kind to panhandlers and beggars.

Complain about your coworkers less.

Be kind to your children more than forming them who you want them to be.

Speak kindly about and to your political/theological sparring partners.

Open your house to the hungry and feed them.

Have a polite conversation with the person who irritates you.

Give to the poor to meet their needs, not yours.

Use your prayer to build up your love for others.


If you want to be a better church, love better.

Love not lovedWork on correct love more than correct theology.

Shape your worship service based on the spiritual needs of those who come.

Open your building to those who have no place to go.

Don’t be hospitable to “everyone”, but to those who are rejected by the world.

Be known for being merciful to those judged by others.

Goal: every member be gentle and kind in board meetings.

Let the outcast have a full voice in every denominational meeting.


Love the Lord If you want to be a better community/city, love better.

Zero tolerance for killings by the police.

Every person, no matter how poor, how colored is treated like a full citizen.

Make every homeless person legal.

Welcome and meet needs of every immigrant.

Spend more money on meeting needs than harming criminals.

Train your police to be community servants of peace.

“Love, and do what you want.” -Augustine

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