A Super Bowl Long Ago…

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DSCF8805 Jeff Strong (aka “Faithwalker”) used to live on the RedBarn property, providing security. Sometimes church security is… interesting: Jeff re-tells a story from four years ago:


How stupid can you be about a super bowl?

Today I went out to check on my motor home and just as I am approaching the drive way there are two guys slugging it out on the churches property. So I stopped and broke it up. They were both bleeding pretty good and when I asked what they were fighting about they said the Super Bowl and who was going to win…….

Ready for this? one is a Ducks fan and the other is a Beaver Fan. So you can imagine their dismay when I told them that the college teams didn’t play in the Rose Bowl.

Yes alcohol was involved and no they are not homeless folks….

Homeless folks are smarter than that even if they are drunk they are smarter than that.

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